AgPilotX is a new and innovative guidance system built by Insero for aerial applicators. It uses 3 simple, wireless components to accomplish everything a pilot needs – 1) a Lightbar, 2) a Hub and 3) an Apple iPad. All the components are “smart” meaning they run off their own computer and work independently of the other devices. All 3 devices work in concert and communicate to each other wirelessly.
The Lightbar contains the GPS/GNSS and logs all the data. The Hub connects all the switches (e.g. Swath Advance, Swath Decrement, Spray On/Off) and peripherals (e.g. Dry Controllers, Laser Altimeter, etc). The iPad runs the interfacing software through an Apple App and this lets the user change the settings that are kept on the Lightbar. All logs are saved as unique Jobs and can be returned to at any time. The Jobs can be held on the iPad so you can review them in the office or email them at any time.
The AgPilotX System includes the latest cell-based Apple iPad Pro with the AgPilotX App pre-loaded. Any time a software update is available, it will prompt the user to update with one button push. Additionally, you can download the free AgPilotX App from the Apple App Store onto any Apple device.
The latest iPad Pro has a high bright screen that is visible in direct sunlight and Apple has focused on better heat dissipation to prevent iPad overheating. Additionally, the AgPilotX Lightbar is not dependent upon the iPad to operate and will continue to work the active Job even if you start using a different App or even shut the Apple device completely off.
The small Hub provides a location to connect switches and devices. Aircraft swath advance/decrease switch, spray on/off and even the Laser Altimeter wires connect here. The Smart Hub also serves as the Flow Controller. Connect the meter and valve to the Hub. No additional boxes necessary.
No more bulky cannon plugs. Connect all wiring directly to the back of the removable connectors in the Hub. No more drilling large holes in the aircraft to feed oversized connectors.
Built in flow control and auto boom available. Use your existing meter and valve or upgrade to our Electromagnetic Meter (No moving turbine)
- Ag Pilot X with Flow Control
- MSRP - 17,500
- This is complete system - Includes Ipad, Hub - with Flow Active, Lightbar, Flow Meter, Flow Valve.
-Ag Pilot X with own Flow Control
- MSRP - 15,500
- This Includes Ipad, Hub with Flow Active, Lightbar
- Can use other flow control systems.
- Ag Pilot X with No Flow Control
- MSRP - 12,500
- This includes Ipad, Hub - with no flow active, light bar
**Flow active is ability to run a meter and valve from gps system.